Array ( [image_alt] => castile heavy tumbled limestone main image [image_title] => Castile Heavy Tumbled Limestone [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/products/stone 2025/castile heavy gallery images/castile-heavy-25-SSM2.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 63 [1] => 65 [2] => 120 ) [product_id] => 68 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone/Castile_Heavy_Tumble_Limestone/castile-heavy-zoom-for-beswick.jpg [name] => Castile Heavy Tumbled Limestone [description] => SCROLL DOWN FOR FULL INSPIRATION SHOTSNOW ON SALE - CASTILE HEAVY TUMBLED INTERNAL LIMESTONE JUST £4.. [price] => From £60.00 / M
2 [special] => £54.00 / M
2/sqm [tax] => £45.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => avignon heavy tumbled limestone main image [image_title] => Avignon Heavy Tumbled Limestone [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/products/stone 2025/avignon heavy gallery images/avignon-heavy-25-SSM1.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 65 [1] => 120 ) [product_id] => 315 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone/Avignon_Heavy_Tumble_Limestone/avignon-heavy-new-2023-7.jpg [name] => Avignon Heavy Tumbled Limestone [description] => SCROLL DOWN FOR FULL GALLERY SHOTSNOW ON SALE - AVIGNON HEAVY TUMBLED INTERNAL LIMESTONE JUST £45sqm.. [price] => From £60.00 / M
2 [special] => £54.00 / M
2/sqm [tax] => £45.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => avignon soft tumbled limestone main image [image_title] => Avignon Soft Tumbled Limestone (60cm) [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 120 ) [product_id] => 70 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone/Avignon_Soft_Tumble/Beswick-John_Nicholls-12.jpg [name] => Avignon Soft Tumbled Limestone [description] => 40cm x MIXED LENGTHS NOW £32sqm+VAT & DELIVERY (reduced from £37) | 60cm x MIXED LENGTHS NOW £39.. [price] => From £44.40 / M
2 [special] => £38.40 / M
2/sqm [tax] => £32.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => all internal tiles now on sale [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => villiers grey tumbled limestone main image [image_title] => Villiers Grey Heavy Tumbled French Limestone [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/super-product/villiers-grey/VGH-SS-CAT-IMAGE.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 63 [1] => 120 ) [product_id] => 81 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone/Villiers_Grey_Heavy/VGH-new1-2023.jpg [name] => Villiers Grey Heavy Tumbled Limestone [description] => SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE GALLERY IMAGES OF THIS SUPER FLOORVilliers Grey limestone is without doubt one .. [price] => From £180.00 / M
2 /sqm [special] => [tax] => £150.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => Va va voom! [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => keynes mix limestone main image [image_title] => Keynes Mix Limestone (Opus Pattern) [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 120 ) [product_id] => 63 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone/keynes_mix/keynes-2.jpg [name] => Keynes Mix Limestone [description] => LIMESTONE TILES WITH A UNIQUE BLEND OF 2 COLOUR SEAMS - BOTH PATTERNS NOW IN OUR WINTER SALE!Give yo.. [price] => From £46.80 / M
2 [special] => £38.40 / M
2/sqm [tax] => £32.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => provence heavy tumbled limestone main image [image_title] => Provence Heavy Tumbled Limestone [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/products/stone 2024/provence-heavy/provence-heavy-newSSM.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 120 ) [product_id] => 781 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone 2024/provence-heavy/provence-heavy-24-1.jpg [name] => Provence Heavy Tumbled Limestone [description] => NEW DEDICATED 30mm OUTDOOR FORMAT NOW AVAILABLE!Provence is a charming pale limestone flagstone that.. [price] => From £42.00 / M
2 /sqm [special] => [tax] => £35.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => Regent Tumbled Limestone [image_title] => Regent Tumbled Limestone Flag [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/super-product/regent/regent-SS-new-2022.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 64 [1] => 120 ) [product_id] => 56 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone/regent/regent-new-main-2022.jpg [name] => Regent Tumbled Limestone [description] => Add character and warmth to your space with this beautiful, softly tumbled limestone flooring. Regen.. [price] => From £43.20 / M
2 [special] => £38.40 / M
2/sqm [tax] => £32.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => now just £32 sqm+VAT! [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => london white sandstone [image_title] => London White Flagstone [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/super-product/london-white/london-white-SSPI-24.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 63 [1] => 120 ) [product_id] => 87 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone 2024/london-white/london-white-1-24.jpg [name] => London White Aged Flagstone [description] => Crafted from sandstone, these rustic aged floor tiles will bring a timeless natural charm to your h.. [price] => From £70.80 / M
2 /sqm [special] => [tax] => £59.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => Castile Cabochon Stone Flooring main image [image_title] => Castile Cabochon Stone Floor [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/products/stone 2024/castile-cabochon/castile-cabochon-SSM-1.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 120 ) [product_id] => 1017 [new_product] => 1 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone 2024/castile-cabochon/castile-cabochon-40x40-6.jpg [name] => Castile 40cm x 40cm Cabochon Floor Limestone [description] => SCROLL DOWN FOR FULL INSPIRATION SHOTSIt would have been remiss of us when deliberating our new Cabo.. [price] => From £58.80 / M
2 /sets [special] => [tax] => £47.04 [minimum] => 6 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => Castile Cabochon Stone Flooring main image [image_title] => Castile Cabochon Stone Floor [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/products/stone 2024/castile-30x30-cabochon/castile-cabochon-30x30-new-24-SSM.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 120 [1] => 144 ) [product_id] => 1049 [new_product] => 1 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone 2024/castile-30x30-cabochon/castile-cabochon-30x30-new-24-11.jpg [name] => Castile 30cm x 30cm Cabochon Floor Limestone [description] => SCROLL DOWN FOR FULL INSPIRATION SHOTSCastile limestone in its various forms has been one of our bes.. [price] => From £58.80 / M
2 /sets [special] => [tax] => £48.51 [minimum] => 6 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => Dijon External Tumbled Limestone [image_title] => Dijon / Regent External Tumbled Limestone [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/products/stone 2024/dijon-regent-external/dijon-regent-external-new24-SSM.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 120 ) [product_id] => 233 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone 2024/dijon-regent-external/dijon-regent-external-new24-7.jpg [name] => Dijon/Regent External Tumbled Limestone [description] => Our popular Dijon/Regent limestone finished for external use.If you are looking for a beautiful purb.. [price] => From £60.00 / M
2 /sqm [special] => [tax] => £50.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => 30mm thick flag just £50 sqm+VAT [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => raj grey flagstone main image [image_title] => Raj Grey Flagstone [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/products/stone/Raj_Grey/raj-grey-new-main-2022.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 63 [1] => 120 ) [product_id] => 55 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone/Raj_Grey/raj-grey-new-main-2022.jpg [name] => Raj Grey Flagstone [description] => THIS FABULOUS INDOOR/OUTDOOR BLUE-GREY FLAGSTONE IS NOW ON SALE AT JUST £29sqm+VAT & DELIVERY. B.. [price] => From £46.80 / M
2 [special] => £34.80 / M
2/sqm [tax] => £29.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => SALE! now just £29 sqm+VAT! [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => Manor flagstone main image [image_title] => Manor Flagstone [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/products/stone 2024/manor-flagstone/manor-super-seller-try-1.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 63 [1] => 71 [2] => 120 ) [product_id] => 206 [new_product] => 0 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone 2024/manor-flagstone/manor-normal-try-1.jpg [name] => Manor Flagstone [description] => SCROLL DOWN FOR FULL INSPIRATION SHOTSBrimming with heritage and character, the Manor flagstone evok.. [price] => From £82.80 / M
2 [special] => £70.80 / M
2/sqm [tax] => £59.00 [minimum] => 5 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => [href] => )
Array ( [image_alt] => Provence Cabochon Stone Flooring main image [image_title] => Provence Cabochon Stone Floor [h2_super] => 1 [h2_super_image] => catalog/products/stone 2024/provence-cabochon/provence-cabochon-SSM-1.jpg [h2_super_categories] => Array ( [0] => 120 [1] => 144 ) [product_id] => 1012 [new_product] => 1 [thumb] => /image/catalog/products/stone 2024/provence-cabochon/provence-cabochon-24-9.jpg [name] => Provence 40cm x 40cm Cabochon Floor Limestone [description] => SCROLL DOWN FOR FULL INSPIRATION SHOTSOur first cabochon limestone floor is in our stunning Provence.. [price] => From £58.80 / M
2 /sets [special] => [tax] => £47.04 [minimum] => 6 [rating] => 0 [product_tag] => [href] => )